Security Services
Providing Advanced
Security Training for Commercial Teams
Emergency Management
Emergency management is the skill of organizing and managing corporate resources during an emergency in order to lessen the impact of a disruptive event on the corporation. But most importantly, it is the ability to prepare and practice for known events in order to better respond in case of an occurrence.
Harmonized Threat Vulnerability Risk Assessment (HTVRA) Course
Providing security professionals with the Information and knowledge required to create a resilient and robust security posture through the use of the approved HTVRA model.
Business Continuity Planning
Business continuity planning is the process involved in creating a system of prevention and recovery from potential threats to a company.
Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Training
Providing Health and Safety Practitioners with the necessary elements to conduct comprehensive and compliant security incident investigations.
SITERA is a purveyor of superior Security training programs that are based on Policy Research, Best Practices, Legislations as well as recognized Federal/ Provincial/ Territorial Government/ Industry Policies, but most importantly, through our wide-ranging National and International on-site experience in performing the actual work.
Through its association with the Carleton University’s Infrastructure Research and Resiliency group (IRRG) SITERA continues to advance the field of Security alongside some of Canada’s leading Security and Resiliency experts.
SITERA provides outstanding investigative services that are delivered by a group of professionals with extensive experience in various areas of the field of investigation, which includes but is not limited to: Criminal Investigations, Military Code Offences, various forms of Administrative Investigations, Workplace Violence, Harassment Investigations as well as Hazardous Occurrence Investigations.
Corporate Services
The professionals at SITERA and its associates provide a number of related services that support a holistic approach to corporate resiliency. Amongst the services provided by SITERA, we are proud to identify the following as potentially of great interest to Chief Security Officers:
- Harmonized Threat Vulnerability Risk Assessment
- Emergency Management and Business Continuity Program
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Informal Conflict Resolution
About SITERA Global Security Solutions
SITERA Global Security Solutions is a company dedicated to the advancement of the field of Security, Security Practitioners and the enhancement of its clients‘ security posture, as well as its ability to respond and address emergencies and incidents of diverse nature.
SITERA achieves its aim by providing Physical Security assessments and advice, conducting Threat Risk Assessments (following the Government of Canada approved HTRA methodology), Administrative Investigations and Health and Safety services. SITERA is an innovative and progressive company supported by a core team of dedicated, knowledgeable and highly experienced individuals who are experts in their respective fields.
About The President
Raynald Lampron CD, RMC, CPP President of SITERA Global Security Solutions, Raynald has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Political Science and a Masters in Security Management. He has served for more than 32 years in the Military Police, both as a Non–Commissioned and Commissioned Officer, as well as the Federal Public Service where he has held an Executive position and the Bank of Canada in Security Managment. During his career, Raynald has served in both Operational and Strategic positions, culminating as Provost Marshal of 19 Wing Comox. He currently continues serving as a member of the active reserve in Brockville Ontario.
Raynald has extensive experience and knowledge in the fields of security and investigation. He has served on numerous domestic security operations, as well as gained international experience through assignments with the Department of Foreign Affairs in South America and four operational deployments with the United Nations and NATO, as well as numerous security evaluations and investigations worldwide.
Raynald is a proficient, trilingual lecturer in the field of Security, Investigation and Leadership/Ethics. He is a dedicated and professional specialist who is passionate about his field and continues to broaden and enrich his knowledge in the field of security through his teaching and lecturing, his ongoing association with ASIS and his position with Carleton University‘s Infrastructure Resiliency Research Group.